If you authorized email and/or text messaging on your submitted contact form, you do not need to resubmit. If you are not sure, please submit below.
The cost of mailings to owners is a cost to all owners of the association. In order to lower costs of printings and mailings, the association would like to provide you with various communication via email. If you prefer to receive association communication by email, please fill out the information below and submit. We also may communicate by text messaging. Lets us know if you are capable of text messaging. Sometimes its quicker and easier to send a text.
The cost of mailings to owners is a cost to all owners of the association. In order to lower costs of printings and mailings, the association would like to provide you with various communication via email. If you prefer to receive association communication by email, please fill out the information below and submit. We also may communicate by text messaging. Lets us know if you are capable of text messaging. Sometimes its quicker and easier to send a text.